One of the best parts of being a Gandhi fellow is that you gets lots of opportunity to go through several self-building processes. One of them is Community Immersion. This is the process that is exhilarating and life-changing. This process can bring you stories that you would tell throughout your life. Now, Imagine a place(a slum or village) which is totally unknown to you a while back and where you will get a chance to stay for a month. Not only, you have to be there but also engage school, community and community head so that they could work on the loop-hole identified in the community, school and this will happen because you were there. Sometimes, you don't even understand the language people around you speaks. I am sure some of you are getting very excited about it and most of you became anxious to some extent and thinking how could I be useful if I don't know their language and can't speak with them, How would I communicate with people around. It's not an easy task! Is It? Ask yourself. Your answer will decide how much you need this fellowship.
निष्पक्ष चुनाव ऐसे ! |
Till then let's clarify a bit more. You (a fellow) had to be in a community. This community may be a slum or a village depending on your location. If you are in a location like Thane or Maharastra, of course, there is no village around and you have to live in a slum for one month. Now step up, for you to stay in a totally new place without any resources( Empty handed) could look like a tough task if you are sitting in your home and reading this and eager to join the fellowship. But trust me after joining this fellowship and being a part of C.I process you will feel the confidence and the change within you. How and what things work in a village and with the villagers. What they wanted and how much welcoming they are if you open up yourself a bit for them. They accept you with whole hearts.Trust me, it is totally fair to have a slight discomfort in the warmth of the people who are looking at you and the children who started dreaming after listening to your stories and see the dream compleating with you.
Now let me tell you my stories of community Immersion bit by bit. It's not possible to write all of my stories in a single piece of a blog but I will try to write as much as it would be ok for you to read.
I want to start my journey with a quote that I came across reading on the wall of the school which says and I quote
" Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead If you lose, you will guide" and my journey begins with this quote. I was also quite nervous and anxious as everybody else because it was my first time in whole 22 years that I was staying somewhere which is totally new and without the comfort of known people like friends and family.
A clear objective of this process is to understand the problem closely that common villagers had to face just because he hadn't not the privilege or opportunity that an urban people have.This process could also help us understand the perspective of the community people about the Government schools and teachers and vice-versa in a community. It is said usually that when you come back from this process, many of you could already develop grit within yourself. The reason of this is that you keep trying and you achieve the goals that you had set for yourself and no one else had done for you.
Your goals, Your grit and your achievements.
One thing I was very clear that I will use storytelling and story listening sessions to develop reading and listening habits in the kids and could also improve the vocabulary and elocution of Hindi words in them. I have experimented this with children in my earlier endeavour and this technique made the learning joyful for both of us. I picked almost 30 books from the school library in the very first day with the help of the principal of the school. I also had a 30-minute discussion with the principal Shri Vijendra ji and jot down the to-do list for 30 days. With the help of teachers, I made a class-wise list of the irregular student of the school because my plan was to visit the houses of these students. Though I was not able to do it because of the 20 days school vacation that came in mid.
कहानियाँ आमने-सामने |
I went to the houses of some of the school kids and talked to their parents about their child. I was facing immense problem in understanding the accent in which they were speaking Marwari. It made me more vulnerable in that situation. But responses which I was able to understand is satisfying. Most of the father didn't know which of their kids are in which class(if they have 3 or more than 3 children). Though the responses of their mother are sufficiently satisfactory.I also asked what are the things that interest their children, what are the one or two good habits or behaviour of their children that they wanted to mention.The response that I got from their mother socked me, some mother said my daughter is
sudhha ( she didn't respond even if she gets beaten by me, teachers or someone else).
हमलोग |
There are plenty of good things about the community immersion. First, I got to eat mid-day meal. Simple Daal and Roti were so delicious to eat that I cant compare this with anything. The Government senior secondary school Sonasar had a really awesome cook. She made food for all the teachers and children. Rajendra ji and all the MDM staff were very kind to me. In a whole month, not a single day they forget to ask me if I had the food or not.
In the evening, after the school, we(me and children of class 4-8) planned a storytelling and activity session. It went for almost a month and we started with storytelling and reached to Nukkad Natak. We read many stories sitting in a circle side by side and also listened to everyone. We learned together how to give respect to a reader and what happens when we listen to things carefully. Do we enjoy more if we involve our self in the story and started analysing the situation? We also talked about the story and tried to empathise with the character. That's how we were able to shift easily from story to Nukkad Natak.
कहनियों मे हैं आप! |
The house, I should say the home where I stayed for a month became a home from the house within two days. Chandra Bhai was the person who on the very first interaction, won my heart. He was very generous to me. We had talked for around two and a half hour on the very first interaction. There was a teacher Sujit ji who came in while we were talking about my objective of staying in the village for a month. As soon as he listened to my big and bigger objective of being in a village, Sujit ji started having doubt on me. He asked why you had come from a city like Kolkata to serve here. He started being suspicious of me. He said to Chandra bhai that these days Villages are also not safe, People from outside come here and get involved in suspicious things. Sooner, He became more rude and aggressive and started saying me you may be a liar. Nothing like that happens, nobody who is from a good family and from a city would come and stay in a village. Tell me frankly, what is the true reason for you to come to this village and why you wanted to stay in this house. I am sure he was trying to check me out and that's absolutely fine. If I was there, I would have done the same. But I got shocked when Chandra bhai started being protective of me and defended me and scolded Sujit ji for saying such harsh word to me. I pondered that people like Chandra bhai, who trusted me and open to people are still in the village. In the night when I was just to hit the hay, I started thinking, would I have done the same being in the place of Chandra bhai. Do I have that kind of open heart and acceptance of people? Could we expect this kind of generosity from a people in this time(21st century)? I learnt a lesson, I learnt what is the trueness of truth. I decided the same night that I would also try to be generous to the people wherever I would go, Whatever I would do, I would see Chandra bhai in people.
In the home, we were 10 people including me two bhabhi( Though I call them Didi from the day first), Two Bhaiya, Dadi and four kids Subham, Saurabh, Samar and Goluda. In-home most of my time goes with the kids. Especially with Goluda, as he was the only non-school-going toddler. I can't forget his constant call for me by GUJI( GURUJI). I took a deep breath as I remembered his sweet memories. A picture of him came across. I felt for him when it was my last day in the village. I know He would miss me and want me for a walk of birdwatching early morning.
I think, Starting one week remains the test of your grit and then you start liking the people around, the kids and ambience of the village. After that nothing seems impossible and you will start feeling empowered.
गुजी तोतो ! |
That is it. I had written this small memoir to reverberate my memories of the very first Community Immersion. I had a great respect for what I did for myself through this process. The idea for writing this short bits and pieces of memory is also to reserve it as a digital album.
I have only word IMPRESSIVE
ReplyDeleteThanks nidhii!