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Dreadful Dream!

Dreaming is not always a delightful experience. There are several bad and evil experiences as well.But do you remember any of those evil dreams? I guess a few of you would say 'yes'. If you could remember any of such fantastic glimpse of your nightmares. I would love to know about those dreams because the dreams are much more intriguing than our real life. I can remember when I was thirteen my dreams were more or less like a fantasy movie. There are several characters in my dreams but they have never shown me their faces.I presume they were shy. The adventure of watching such a dream is not less exciting than watching movies like Hobbit or Harry potter. If I compare them scrupulously I would say my dreams are much more embellished. You may also share your experience about the cacophonic dream in the comment box below.

 I have heard that a  few people have also experienced a glimpse of the chucklesome dream. This surreal dream is the mixture between real or true events in the past and imagination or desire in the future. These dreams could be amusing. One of my friends explained to me that he changed his mode of transport every other second in his dream. He started his ride with a bicycle and suddenly hold the yoke of an aeroplane and again came back to the bicycle.It was a very weary dream because of the rigmarole that he went through.

There are some situations in the life when a person feels miserable because of the events that are taunting to the person. It could be a problem with the family, Friends or even within a job and work. At that time a person starts dreaming about that event and try to look at it with a different perspective.The reason would be the constant thinking about that event due to the pressure and the fear of failure. The person starts finding the solution of the problem in their dream. This is a good practice, though. Because in the real world a person doesn't get more than one trial. It was also observed that some student due to exam phobia starts memorising their upcoming course paper in their dreams.
There are few Sites that can decode your dreams. Yes, there are! I also get amazed when I heard this for the first time. here( you can decipher the meaning of your dream according to A-Z search as well as you can pick the particular context of a dream from the list provided such as dream about snake, death or any other context that you can remember.

I will not discuss the biological reason of dreaming. This is very complicated and unexplored topic. The main and basic reason of dreaming is still unknown.But there are continuous researches going on to discover the cause and effect of dreams. There was a research done within a group of 264 students which explained that the night-owl people dream more frequently than the early-birds. This research was published on 2011 in the journal Sleep and Biological Rhythms. There are many such experiments published by scientist and Psychologists but the results are not completely confirmed.

There are many websites and published articles that try to explain the phenomenon like dreaming and sleeping.But still, both are castles in the air because none of them surely say why human sleep and dream.
Various Researches show that dreams are necessary to have a healthy life and there are also some researchers that say when a person starts showing extreme fear, violent and rigorous symptoms during a dream. It could be the starting point of a disease like Parkinson's and so on for that person. So, extremism within the dream could be cautious. Though Parkinson is not a mental disorder but it could cause death as well if the symptoms get much more severe. All you want to know about Parkinson Disease(PD)

But after all, Everything is Okay, until you are having a sweet dream. It might also happen that few a times you could see a dreadful one but that must be the mirror of your real life issue. To avoid such dream one should have to be delightful.
I wish you a blend of the happy and dreadful dreams as both are required to be healthy.


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