One of the best parts of being a Gandhi fellow is that you gets lots of opportunity to go through several self-building processes. One of them is Community Immersion. This is the process that is exhilarating and life-changing. This process can bring you stories that you would tell throughout your life. Now, Imagine a place(a slum or village) which is totally unknown to you a while back and where you will get a chance to stay for a month. Not only, you have to be there but also engage school, community and community head so that they could work on the loop-hole identified in the community, school and this will happen because you were there. Sometimes, you don't even understand the language people around you speaks. I am sure some of you are getting very excited about it and most of you became anxious to some extent and thinking how could I be useful if I don't know their language and can't speak with them, How would I communicate with people aroun...
Education and technology