Your marks in any exam conducted by some school board are not the true reflection of how educated you are! What does 'Grades' tells You? Education and Examination do not come along as a mechanism that would complement each other rather they do not say anything about the other. Marks based exam in an Indian school tells us nothing about you. for example, Ramesh likes to play chess and doing good in the game. He has represented his school in a national level under-16 chess championship. Playing the game of chess has inbuilt some skills in Ramesh. He is a good orator, confident in his choices. He is patient and believes in solving problems through dialogue and discussion. He strategies and plan before taking any task or work and do not lose temper at the time of stress and external pressure. All these skills he had developed through the game of Chess. Some of the skills he might also have adopted by seeing, observing others and experiencing different situations....
Education and technology